NTT DATA launches eAwards 2023 UK to identify best early-stage #TechForGood start-ups in financial services | NTT DATA

Mon, 26 June 2023

NTT DATA launches eAwards UK 2023 to support best #TechForGood start-ups in financial services

London, 26th June 2023 – NTT DATA UK&I has today announced the opening of registrations for the eAwards UK 2023 in partnership with Bethnal Green Ventures (BGV), UCL School of Management, and Innovate Finance. The winning entrepreneurial project in the UK will compete in the international final of the Global eAwards 2023. This year, the focus is to develop sustainable technologies that either improve quality of life or solve environmental problems.

The aim of the eAwards – both in the UK and globally – is to encourage early-stage businesses to share their ideas with industry leaders and showcase how their ideas help to make the world a better place. To support these businesses on their journey, shortlisted projects are assigned mentors, comprised of both NTT DATA experts and wider industry leaders.

In 2023, the projects will be specific to addressing issues in the financial services industry. Successful projects will need to focus on inclusive or sustainable finance. In this way, the 22nd edition of the eAwards will continue a long history of the NTT DATA Foundation investing in entrepreneurship and innovation to develop new and emerging solutions with innovative startups for a variety of industries.

Last year, the winner of the UK award was Voilo, a payment platform that enables charities and micro-enterprises to speed up and lower the cost of their digital payment transactions. Following its success, Voilo went on to represent the UK in the international finale. The company received ongoing guidance and expertise from NTT DATA UK&I, aiding its growth journey.


We truly believe in the value of open innovation, and we see entrepreneurship as a core part of building a more sustainable future for all.

Tom Winstanley, CTO and Head of New Ventures NTT DATA UK&I

Tom Winstanley, CTO and Head of New Ventures at NTT DATA UK&I commented: “We believe it is vital to encourage entrepreneurship and innovation that seeks to address the big challenges of our society today. No single organisation, big or small, has all the answers. That is why we are so proud to be hosting the eAwards UK programme again this year. We truly believe in the value of open innovation, and we see entrepreneurship as a core part of building a more sustainable future for all.

“Renewed focus of the projects this year is rooted in a desire to make financial services more inclusive and sustainable for all. Every day, incredible work is being done to work towards creating a more sustainable and inclusive industry, but we believe there is still yet more to be done in this area. That’s why we want to hear from the innovators, the radical thinkers, and the entrepreneurs, to challenge our own ways of thinking, and ultimately, help them make their visions for the future a reality.”

The applications for this year’s awards are now open and will remain so until the 28th of August. Following this, the UK eAwards Finals will be held just under a month later, on the 20th of September in London. The victor will then compete for the Global eAwards at the international final, held in Madrid on the 23rd of October.

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