It is good to understand we are biased, but we should surround ourselves with diversity
2020 was a challenging year for people, families and businesses around the world, there was no exception for everis and our people. Nearly overnight, the pandemic made remote work the new norm, and it accelerated the digital transformation of our business.
We prioritised our health and wellbeing, adapted to new ways of working, and home life coming together in ways that were not thought possible whilst focusing continuously to provide solutions to our clients.
We recognise that we still have some way to go to ensure equal representation in the workplace, which is why we need to focus on developing and supporting our female talent.
Furthermore, equal pay and the gender gap look at differences between women’s and men’s pay, they are two different matters and this needs to be remembered when reading this report. Equal pay is the right for men and women to be paid the same when doing the same or equivalent work, this is a legal requirement. Whereas, gender pay is a measure of the difference between men’s and women’s average earnings across an organisation.
Our female colleagues were challenged in ways we have never seen before, juggling not only a complete change in the ways we work but also dealing with all the priorities the family has
This has been without the ordinary year for us all, the pandemic has brought many challenges professionally and personally, at everis we have been conscious of how we are all affected as individuals and a decision was taken right at the beginning to keep our focus on communication. We all had different things to adjust to, however, more than ever our female colleagues were challenged in ways we have never seen before, juggling not only a complete change in the ways we work but also dealing with family priorities.
Keeping communication open was very important, we introduce the everis TV channel, this allowed the employee to participate, sharing their unique skills, e.g. cooking. This is followed up with breakfast or afternoon tea with the CEO, everyone has a voice and this forum provides and gives the platform for interaction with our CEO.