Less talk. More apption. | NTT DATA


Less talk. More apption.

Banking apps in the age of Consumer Duty

Is your banking app meeting expectations?

If you are involved in the planning, development, and management of banking apps for customers, you are at the very heart of an industry that is changing faster than ever. As banking apps become an ever more vital channel to serve customers, it has never been more critical to get them right.

We've conducted research into what customers love and hate about banking apps so we can provide evidence-based practical tips and advice that you can apply immediately.


NTT DATA experts Jo Bevan-Taylor, Head of Business Consulting - Banking & Financial Markets, and Rob Webb, Head of Business Transformation & Operations - Banking & Financial Markets explore the key findings of the research and provide their top recommendations for action.

Find out why banks should not focus solely on the bigger picture when it comes to customer satisfaction, but to dig deeper in the details given by their customers.

Jo explains why your banking app is much more than a supplement but as the digital backbone to your bank.

Find out what TKYC means and how it will benefit banks and their customers.

Rob discusses the key challenge of Retail Banks today and what we recommend banks need to do moving forward.

How do you tackle the issue your customers face with your app navigation? Watch to find out more.

The objective

We worked with YouGov to conduct a nationally representative survey of 1,708 users of banking apps to uncover:

  • The problems users experience with banking apps
  • Benefits of banking apps
  • What future features users would like to see


The findings

The findings of the research can be grouped into five key issues:

1. Role of the app

What is the banking app there for, and how has this changed?

2. Getting the basics right

What are the real, everyday requirements and how well are banks meeting them?

3. Features

Do users want sophisticated features? If so, which ones?

4. Vulnerable customers

The heart of Consumer Duty – meeting the new emphasis on financial education

5. Gathering data

Access to data underpins every aspect of app development: how well do we manage data, and how can we improve?

Next steps

Banks invest a lot of time in discussing app development. NTT DATA has become known for getting things done instead of just talking about them. Making progress instead of just making noise.

Our report explores ways to improve the effectiveness and usability of banking apps. 

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Learn what customers are saying and what banks should be doing.

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