Digital Identity: key for remote Banking | NTT DATA

Tue, 27 July 2021

Digital Identity: key for remote Banking

Rapid digitalization and the unprecedented technological developments, along with the inclusion of the Gen Z in the labor market, have been revolutionizing  the financial industry.

The younger generation of new clients is used to getting immediate access to information while also having in-person transactional relationships. To satisfy this complex customer behaviour, a hybrid relationship (human-bot) is the only viable solution and the ultimate way to conquer today’s diversified audience.

Thus, it’s vital for financial institutions to reinforce this new relationship model, enhancing digital experiences and removing any obstacles to deliver positive experiences  for all kinds of client profiles.

This brings us to an important question: what are the current challenges of a hybrid customer service model? First, the quality of the interaction: it is not easy to achieve the same customer experience with a virtual assistant than with a human. Additionally, although consumers are generally more digital, there is still a big part of the population, (senior consumers), that resists embracing the digital world.

Although there are important challenges, the benefits are worth it. The greatest advantages of the human-bot interaction model lie in balancing what is necessary, while still considering what is preferred by the audience. Challenging and improving artificial intelligence to make it capable of correctly assessing the context, the urgency level, emotions, recognizing different accents, separating the noise and understanding the demands of the client, is what causes a huge positive impact in customer experience. This new form of interaction supplies a more efficient working structure for the institutions, as they can optimize more efficiently their resources by identifying when it is truly necessary to provide with human capital help. Also, from an organization point of view, this new hybrid model helps to connect different systems,  enhancing the customer service and generating new opportunities.

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