“There is a great man who makes every man feel small. But the real great man is the man who makes every man feel great.”
I love this phrase, written by G.K. Chesterton in Charles Dickens: A Critical Study, as it sums up the values we aim to instil throughout NTT DATA UK. In times like these, where we continue to be challenged by Covid-19, economic recession and unkindness to our fellow humans because of race, gender and sexuality, we need to remind ourselves of what is most important. And that is to help others, to give to others and make them feel great. Whether that is within our teams or towards our clients and partners, or in our personal lives. And you know what, it will make you feel a whole lot better too. Mental health experts advise that we:
- Give others time
- Pay attention to other people
- Listen to and understand what they are saying and focus on their needs now
- Share how you feel and be supported
- Recognise unhealthy relationships to be able to move forward and find solutions.
Listening to and caring for others, in whatever way that may apply to you, strengthens your relationships. That is why we make sure we listen carefully to what our clients need right now. Most businesses have been affected by recent events, and will continue to be affected for months, and perhaps, years to come. We understand that this has changed our clients’ requirements and we have adapted our focus accordingly - to support our customers along this journey. Many organisations now require:
- Optimised operational efficiency
- Speedier transformation through digital
- More cost-efficient and flexible Cloud solutions
- New productive models
We are here to help you and your organisation weather this storm. If you want a friendly chat to understand how we can support you, just get in touch with your NTT DATA UK contact. In the meantime, remember the wise words of Gilbert Chesteron and make others feel great wherever and whenever you can.